Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fck breast cancer.

lmaoo i loved this. You gotta love the truth
--- There are the normal ( . )( . ), the silicone ( + )( + ), the perfect (o)(o) Some are cold (^)(^) and some belong to grandmothers \./\./ And let’s not forget the very large(o Y o), the very small (.)(.) and the asymmetrical (•)(.) We love them all!...Post this message on your wall and say ┌П┐(◉_◉)┌П┐ to breast cancer.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No tears.

Life's just too hard.. That's the way it is.. I don't cry because it's an option.. 
Life's hit me way to hard to feel a thing anymore.. So I don't cry.. Not because it's an option, but because I can't..

why me?

I don't really know why, or how or where my thoughts come from. 
*thinks* wow, I haven't blogged in a long time.....
Lets just say that I hope this New Year brings death w/happiness 